Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Candy Crush changed my Life!!

So to the untrained eye the game Candy Crush just appears to be an innocent game, very similar to Bejeweled right? WRONG! Candy Crush, as strange as it may sound, teaches very valuable life lessons. Don't believe me? Keep reading to see how Candy Crush changed my life.

1. Every now and then it doesn't hurt to ask for a helping hand.
     I'm a very independent, I'll-figure-it-out-on-my-own type of girl. So imagine my surprise when Candy Crush asked me to ask a friend for a life and to help me unlock the next level. WTF!!!! I will do no such thing! I don't want this "favor" to hang over my head. I can see it now:

Friend: "Hey Chantel can I borrow $10?"
Me: "Hell no!"
Friend: "Alright! Imma remember that the next time you need me to give you a life in Candy Crush."

See what I mean?

Well after a week of debating whether or not I was going to pay the $0.99 or ask for help, I buckled under pressure and just sent the damn request! To this day no one has thrown it in my face. Asking for help felt kinda good!

2. Competitiveness doesn't always have to be sports related.
    I suck in every sport known to man! I'm short (so basketball is out), I'm not that fast (so track and any other sport that requires me to run is out) and I'm not all the coordinated (welp there goes golf). Competitiveness and Chantel have never been in the same sentence.With that being said, I didn't really care if I won or lost (unless money was involved). That all changed when I saw my great aunt (yes my mothers aunt) at a higher level on candy crush than me. "Ohhhhh hellllllll nooooo your going down old lady." And that's all it took to awaken the competitive beast inside me.

3. When obstacles get in your way eliminate them before they grow out of control
     Why didn't anyone warn me that the chocolate just keeping growing and growing and GROWING! I wasted so many lives on chocolate (I sound like such a fatty saying that lol). At first I ignored them because my main goal was to focus on getting all the fruit to the bottom. I was soo focused on what I was doing that I didn't pay attention to the ever growing obstacle. I didn't really see it as an obstacle at first, I mean the name of the game is Candy Crush and chocolate is a form of candy right? No harm there! By the time I did notice the chocolate wasn't on my side, it was too late. I've learned to not have a one track mind and to pay closer attention to my surroundings. Even your enemies can come in the form "chocolate."

And last but not least...

4. Patience is a virtue SCREW PATIENCE!
    So your hooked on Candy Crush. Every time you swear your going to stop playing once you beat that board that you've been stuck on for a week. Just when you think you figured out the magic combo to beat the level that annoying "Sorry your out of lives" message pops up and you have to wait 18 hours to have full lives again. Why should I have to wait that long? There has to be another way besides begging for lives or paying for them. And indeed there is! This little tip is for all of my impatient Candy Crushers: Just reset the time on your phone! Open the game up and Woola you have full lives again (Please, please don't thank me all at one time)! You don't have to have patience all the time. Screw patience!

And there you have it, the life lessons Candy Crush taught me!

-I'm not a player I just crush a lot!

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