Monday, April 23, 2012

Music Monday - Featuring MOUSE SUCKS

Today's MUSIC MONDAY's Featured Artist goes to an 18 year old Psychedelic Punk artist out of Ontario, Canada: MOUSE SUCKS.

Yes ladies and gentlemen you read it right, MOUSE SUCKS. With a name like that I was more than eager to see what the hell is this kid about. Well after listening to his second single "Singing With A Ginyu Girl" off his second upcoming project The Ginyu Force, I came to one conclusion: Mouse DOESN'T really suck, he just has a lot of work to do.

The song was humorous from the very beginning so that's a plus. The chorus however was soo annoying (consisted of repetitive "yeas" and "ooohs") and of course it was STUCK IN MY HEAD for the rest of the day (Thanks Mouse Sucks). Lyrically it wasn't creative. The beginning sounded like it came straight from a DR SEUSS BOOK.

With a name like Mouse Sucks its no surprise he wrote a song about how much HE LACKS SWAG, "I don't have a lot of swag, got that pregnant lady swag..." "Got that homeless artist swag..." And this is pretty much how the rest of the song goes, swagless.  

The name Mouse Sucks grabbed my attention but I wasn't sure its for the right reasons. Its reminded me of a pretty girl saying she's ugly just so all her friends can say "No, your crazy. Your beautiful!" I mean, who would really want to say they suck if they're trying to make it in the music industry?

Overall, I ACTUALLY LIKE THIS KID. He's not afraid to try something different. He also makes fun of himself (How cool is that?). Who doesn't love an artist that can admit their flaws and make turn them into something positive? 

If your into weirdo, punk rock music then I suggest you familiarize yourself with MOUSE SUCKS


- But What Do I Know, I'm Just a SQUARE!

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