Friday, April 20, 2012


So let me start off by saying that every African American actor in the history of African American acting is in this movie. Just like you guys are doing now, I read reviews before deciding to go see the midnight showing of THINK LIKE A MAN.

If you love sappy love story's or movies with happy endings, then you NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE. From start to finish it was nothing but laughs. The storyline flowed holding the audiences attention and it was very entertaining. The movie focused on Steve Harvey's book: ACT LIKE A LADY, THINK LIKE A MAN. Instead of pinpointing every chapter from the book it focused on: The 90 day rule, The Momma's Boy and The Woman who doesn't need a man because she's her own man, just to name a few. Each couple portrayed one of these issues.

Everyone in general did an amazing job but there are a few who deserve to be discussed further. For example, the only actress I didn't really care for was GABRIELLE UNION. For such a strong actress (Black Reel, NAACP Image Award, BET Awards, etc) her performance in this movie was very mediocre. I mean they could've grabbed anyone off the street to play that role. She was the corky African American who fell in love with a White guy who refused to commit and grow up (Yes race and race jokes were the butt of majority of the jokes). Nothing too interesting about this couples issue. This was one of the more boring (really hate to use the word boring since the movie in a whole was the opposite of boring) segments.

KEVIN HART stole most of the shine giving the movie a much needed comedic relief. Without him it would just be a movie about the flaws in relationships and how to play the "game" to get what you want (Similar to TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME). Although at times his little ad-libs weren't necessary, it didn't become overwhelmingly annoying. Of course they had to throw in a few SHORT JOKES, but we all saw that coming.

I loved MEAGAN GOOD, wouldn't say this was one of her best roles, but she definitely did her thang! This role required her to play the woman who wants a man to wait 90 days before getting her "cookies." - A role that's completely outside of the box from her typical vixen, bad girl, apple-of-his-eye role. She was vulnerable allowing us to see a different side of her.

LALA VAZQUEZ played Meagan Good's friends and in all honesty, Steve could've really left her out. I understand every woman has a home girl they run to to vent to, but LaLa acted like the "dumb blonde", a role that downplayed her intelligence.

There were also a few surprise cameos from a TV talk show host, singer and an actor who will remain nameless (Have to go see the movie to figure out who they are)

WORD OF ADVICE TO MY LADIES: do NOT bring your man or the man your dating to see this. There's enough eye candy in this movie to make you forget he's sitting next to you! Trust me, I saw a few ladies getting elbowed by their men, or the men giving the ladies the subtle "ah hem" if they stared too hard.

The song selection for this movie was amazing, with each song perfectly flowing with the mood.
One song that stayed on constant rotation throughout the entire movie was TONIGHT by John Legend. I swear everyone was humming this as they walked out the theatre. Listen to it below, its been on repeat on my iPhone since I left the theater:

Ladies if you do decided to bring your men, MAYBE, just maybe he'll have a change of heart after seeing this movie with you. Let's put it this way, at the end of the movie my date opened the theater door as well as MY CAR DOOR for me but hey, WE ALL CAN'T BE THAT LUCKY!

Overall I give this movie 4.5 SQUARES!

- Who run's the world? SQUARES!


  1. I don't think it was terrible, because it's definitely watchable thanks to it's good cast, but there are just so many moments that feel schmaltzy and contrived mainly because these characters are so thin and barely any development goes into them. Maybe everyone except for Kevin Hart. He's the man. Good review. Glad to finally see a film beat The Hunger Games in the box office though. It was starting to get a little annoying seeing that film #1 every week.

    1. I absolutely agree with you. Some parts did seem a little exaggerated and silly bUt I'm not sure many people even noticed or picked up on them because they were bombarded with jokes the entire time. I'm assuming Steve Harvey didn't want to take the time to develop his characters because 1) the focus was supposed to be on the book, not so much the characters 2) he had nothing but A-list actors and a comedian whose at the top of his career right now so why bother giving his characters more of a background story 3) people really just came to see Kevin Hart. I asked soo many people who was in the movie and the only response I got was "Kevin Hart"

      Thanks for reading : )
